Luka Vidaković, Developer in Zagreb, Croatia
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Luka Vidaković

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Zagreb, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
August 20, 2019

Working in startup environments for the past six years, Luka has gained substantial hands-on experience in modern web technologies—from handling real-time social network feeds to manipulating third-party video player APIs to dealing with contracts and transactions on a blockchain network. He is the type of developer who never stops exploring when the first "why" question appears and loves to deep-dive into details.


CIAL Dun & Bradstreet
Web3.js, Ethereum, IPFS, Redux Form, Redux, React, Node.js, JavaScript
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redux, React, Angular, Node.js, JavaScript
Vivid Interactions
MySQL, MongoDB, Ember.js, Redux, React, Node.js, JavaScript




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS

The most amazing... I've built enabled users to combine videos (YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Twitch, etc.), chunk them into highlights, and overlay with custom SVG elements.

Work Experience

Web Developer

2018 - 2019
CIAL Dun & Bradstreet
  • Built a dynamic-form generation system, based on a set of rules defined through Airtable. Users were able to define form steps, sections, looping groups, form field types and formats, placeholders, hints, and so on.
  • Developed a custom-form-field-condition parsing-and-evaluation solution. The conditions were represented as text inside Airtable views, and the text was preprocessed to structures that can be evaluated through Redux Form's selectors. This gave users more options when defining the form-field conditions.
  • Constructed a platform to store encrypted data on IPFS while managing references via Ethereum network's smart contracts.
  • Mentored junior and mid-level team members.
  • Developed a library of common functionalities and components (React, Redux, Bootstrap) so that it could be reused on multiple in-house projects.
Technologies: Web3.js, Ethereum, IPFS, Redux Form, Redux, React, Node.js, JavaScript

Web Developer

2016 - 2018
  • Built a video player management system that was able to combine sources from third-party player APIs like YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Brightcove, JW Player, Facebook, and HTML5 native player.
  • Supported and maintained a video-player management system while browser and video player APIs were altered or updated.
  • Extended the capabilities of the video player management system by adding a feature of timed SVG overlays.
  • Expanded the feature set of the video player management system by adding the option to show any HTML based content at specified moments in a video.
  • Developed a Chrome extension using our video player management system that enabled all of the features directly on YouTube's website. With this extension, users were able to chunk videos into highlights and overlay them with custom SVG elements.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Redux, React, Angular, Node.js, JavaScript

Web Developer

2016 - 2016
Vivid Interactions
  • Built a survey analysis application with a back end in Node.js, an Express.js framework, and a front end in Ember.js. Surveys were collected through SurveyMonkey's API and analyzed for patterns and biases in the collected answers.
  • Developed a website for a local volleyball team. Based on Node.js, Express.js, and Cloudflare.
  • Constructed an image-cropping tool using React and Redux. It allowed one to manipulate publicly available images without making duplicates. The tool would just store transform parameters and apply them to the original image on the front end.
Technologies: MySQL, MongoDB, Ember.js, Redux, React, Node.js, JavaScript

Web Developer

2015 - 2016
Next User
  • Transformed a legacy application codebase into a more stable and usable one using React and Redux. The process was done without specifications, so the specifications were built from the ground up out of the old, unmaintained code. The app itself was used by marketers to craft unique messages for their audience based on their actions and habits.
  • Built several one-page apps in partnership with the IBM Watson team to showcase a few ways IBMs AI could be used. One of the apps was presented at the NYC Met Gala event and analyzed peoples' social network profiles and tried to match them by personality with famous designers who were attending the Met Gala.
  • Produced several product landing pages.
  • Customized email templates for newsletters.
Technologies: Redux, React, JavaScript

Front-end Web Developer

2013 - 2015
UX Passion
  • Created a platform to showcase relevant social network posts in real-time. It was used in many conferences and meetups like Smashing Magazine Conference, TEDx, World Economic Forum, and the like.
  • Built a live commentary app for one of the UNHCR sessions where moderators would choose the content that would be released to their website in real-time.
  • Developed WordPress-based websites: and
  • Constructed an in-house library based on Bootstrap that was used by a team of UX engineers to create app prototypes.
Technologies: jQuery, CSS, HTML, WordPress, PHP, JavaScript

Novo Protocol
This is a blockchain-based marketplace for verified business data that directly connects commercial data providers and data buyers on a global level.

Novo enables the direct contribution of data securely to the blockchain. This solution allows any person or company to monetize their data directly. Our network of vetted verifiers to ensure that the data is truthful. Buyers can then purchase this verified data with the revenue being split between data providers and data verifiers.

Vibby is a video player management system that is able to combine sources from third-party player APIs and combine them into one continuous video but without duplicating the content. Vibby simply manages the playback of multiple player APIs and takes care of the timing.

Wall of Tweets
Wall of Tweets is a platform used to showcase relevant social network posts in real-time. It's mainly used during conferences, meetups, and events in general.




Express.js, Redux, Ember.js, Angular, Koa, Electron, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Cypress, Jest, Bootstrap, Material UI


React, Node.js, Puppeteer, Vimeo API, Facebook API, Twitch API, YouTube API, Redux Form, React Router, REST APIs, Moment.js, jQuery, Web3.js, Coinbase API, Passport.js


Redux Thunk, Git, Sequelize, Webpack, Browserify, Chrome Developer Tools, Mongoose, GitHub, CircleCI, RabbitMQ, Stellar SDK, NGINX, Vim Text Editor, Cron


Functional Programming, Agile, Functional Reactive Programming, Prototype-based OOP


Unix, MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), WordPress, Ethereum, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase, Netlify, Amazon EC2, Docker


MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


Cloudflare, IPFS, Gatsby, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Chrome Extensions, Airtable

2009 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

Polytechnic of Zagreb - Zagreb, Croatia

Collaboration That Works

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